Friday, September 26, 2014

Sept 24-25 - St. Gilgen - Salzburg Marionette Theater

9/24/14 - St.Gilgen
We had bread and jam and met w/Runi @ 10:30 to go in her car to Salzburg to meet Reingard at the fair. We walked through the fair, bought a pretzel and had coffee at an outdoor table. The weather was warm and sunny.  We got sandwiches for lunch and some snitzel to take home for dinner and had another coffee on my fav roof-top cafe overlooking the City.  

Runi & Reingart bought tickets for us to go to the marionettes performance of Die Zauberflöte tomorrow, 9/25, "for our birthday presents."  What a wonderful present!  I have always wanted to see that, ever since I first heard of it, many years ago, when I first met Runi.

We got back at about 4 and went to our lovely place for a rest.

9/25/14 - St.Gilgen und Salzburg Marionettentheatre 
This is the day we go to Salzburg on our own to see Die Zauberflöte in the Marionettentheatre. Runi made knüdle for us, it was sooo gooood. She spent much time showing Manfred how to get to the parking garage across from the theater. We used the GPS, sort of, and drove right straight there. We allowed an hour and a half, it took only half an hour. So we strolled in the Mirabelle Garden for a bit, then went into the theater. The performance was so cute and charming, a wonderful way to put on an opera, especially this one. It was ausgezeichnet. We got back b4 10:30.

The car is rather strange. Whenever it stops, the engine dies. It's supposed to!  Then, when you take your foot off the brake, it starts again. There are too many little lights inside at night. It tries to help you park. The built-in GPS is TomTom, but not at all like ours - I don't like it at all. I would never want a built-in GPS.  

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