The neatest thing at the fair, for me, was a Hackintosh made by Chuck of the SPCUG. It was a Dell Mini 10v - running Snow Leopard!
Here's what it looks like -- cute as can be --->
It only took him a couple of hours to hack the $300 Dell NetBook to run the $30 Snow Leopard upgrade. Appears that it's become pretty easy now with the Dell Mini 10v and Mac OS 10.6 -- most of the time spent is waiting for it to set itself up. I want to make one.
See comment - update
1 comment:
I have since tried it myself... I bought 5 Dell Mini 1011s. Spent a couple of weeks hackintoshing them. Bill Jones bought one, our guru friend Joel bought one, his friend bought one, so I have two -- one for me and one for sale.
My problem is that I can't yet get iWork and some iLife to work right. It's a screen size problem. But it works fine for email, everything internet, keeping photos and music, playing games, etc.
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