The more I see of McCaine & Palin, the sadder I am that there are earnest and caring people so misguided as to believe them. I guess we shall see, after today, how many of those people are out there, in la la land. I hope McP turn out to be just a hoot.
What we may not see is how much voter fraud is going to be happening and what impact it will have. It's something we may never know.

. ridiculous bailout without question (questioned only the mechanics, not the principle),
. . . plus the pork that was added.

But the alternative candidate is, of course, unthinkable.
What gives me hope is:
(1) the fact that he has raised an enormous amount of money from regular people -- the first candidate bought & paid for by the people, instead of corporations?
(2) the organization that he was able to establish -- amazing. If he can do that as prez... ?

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