Tuesday, October 07, 2008

More Politics + Bailout

It's not just MY Humble Opinion after all. There are many others, including Vermont Senator Bernie Saunders. He said:
"In our country today, we have the most unequal distribution of income and wealth of any major country on earth, with the top 1% receiving more income than the bottom 50% and the top 1% owning more wealth than the bottom 90%."
The bailout does not address ANY of the basic causes or effects of the "meltdown." The URL is http://www.truthout.org/100208J . Read it, and weep.


Bill Jones said...

and it seems that in the states, or in canada, if one calls for a fairer distribution of wealth, you are branded terrorist, and in the past, a terrorist was a commmie!

Anonymous said...

maybe I'll one day get the hang of this

Geneva said...

Amazing -- someone actually read this! Thank you!!

Did you see the whole speech? There's a video of it on Bernie Saunders' website.