The picture shows a deer that was resting under a bush in the yard of Rosemary's neighbor.
We are staying in Victoria with Rosemary untill tomorrow or Sunday. Then we will go to Bill's place in Port Renfrew. The phone number here is 250-385-5195 (but don't call unless it's urgent) and the number at Bill's is 250-647-0022 (after Sunday).
We don't have a proper phone line, yet. If you call our old number (678-748-5806) that's the Vonage internet phone, and we won't have it hooked up until we can get a hi-speed internet connection. Port Renfrew only has dial-up, so far. You can leave a message on that phone, we check the messages every 2 or 3 days. Calling our cell is a call to Atlanta, and counts against our minutes. And we cannot call out on the cell from here in Canada without paying 40¢ per minute.
The best way to contact us is to put a comment on this blog or email to observer@islandnet.com.
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