Monday, July 01, 2013

OMG! A customer! Our first!!

Amazing! But true. 
Some nice lady found her way to our luggage website. 
And she ordered TWO SUITCASES!!. 

I think a notice came in about it, but I didn't see it, because I've never seen one b4. 
I found out because she wrote to ask when they had been shipped.  

Anyway, I had the bags shipped to her, plus a Bible cover, to thank her for her patience. 
Now I have to figure out how to get paid.  The $$ is being held up because we never finished the paperwork, but we're not sure how to do that. 

This is what the site looks like. It is   

I don't know how she found it. 
She says she uses google, but I couldn't find it there searching "carry-on luggage"
But it came up #6 in Bing. 

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