Seems that we just got back from a trip to the dentist in TJ and visit with
Charles & Diane in Oceanside, last April. Then, first my denture broke - some back teeth gone but I can live with it, for a while. Then Manfred's denture broke, lower front teeth, not so easy to live with, but usually doesn't show.
Charles & Diane in Oceanside, last April. Then, first my denture broke - some back teeth gone but I can live with it, for a while. Then Manfred's denture broke, lower front teeth, not so easy to live with, but usually doesn't show.
But we can't go to TJ now, because we are going to Kansas for a July 4th family reunion, so we get to get together with Richard & Karen, and, hopefully, Robin. We are so looking forward to meeting Karen's family. And having a real, traditional family Fourth, complete with bbq & fireworks.
Also, Charles & Diane will be in Guadalahara for a month, so we couldn't include a visit with them until late August.
Then, to top it off, Manfred fell down in a parking lot and it broke his nose. Hmmm... Broken teeth & nose. Couldn't have anthing to do with biting off nose to spite face???