Merry Christmas
to all.
We are here in Victoria, having some friends over for the traditional turkey dinner. Canadians do turkey also, but other dishes are different. The picture shows the Parliament Building.
We hope all of you are having a wonderful holiday and wish you a
Happy and Prosperous 2007.
Please write to us, email, call OR enter a comment on this blog. We'd love to hear from you.
If you are in Victoria, call --> 984 1319
If you are in Port Renfrew, call --> 385 7758
If you are in U.S.A., call --> (678) 748 5806 (local call in Atlanta area)
email --> observer@islandnet.com
snailmail --> 425 Cecelia Rd. Victoria BC V9A 1C9 Canada
If you didn't get an e-card with this picture of the Victoria Parliament Building, it's because we don't have your correct email address, so please help us update our address book.